Thursday, June 30, 2011

'Last Window: The Secret of Cape West' Review

Cheers! It's summer and I'm BACK for another review! Finally... Or maybe 'damn this bitch is back... -_-" ' Either way, today's topic is Last Window, which I just beat during my small vacation. It was AWESOME, if I do say so myself. :D

Last Window is a sequel to Hotel Dusk: Room 215 (look to way back when for my review on that one... so if you haven't played it, PLAY IT. It's a personal favorite, and Last Window makes more sense when you play Hotel Dusk first. I'm also going to refer to Hotel Dusk a few times, so at least read the last review first.

You play as the lovable Kyle Hyde again, and he's as Hyde-y at ever. :D The setting for this game is at the apartment complex Hyde lives at, called Cape West. It used to be Hotel Cape West, but dark stuff happened, spoilers spoilers, you'll get it when you play it. The gameplay is pretty much the same; walking, talking, applying items, menu, notebook, examining, etc. etc. etc. There's still times when you get a little triangle on a person you're talking to, and if you touch it then you'll press them for more information - there are two choices on what to say when you use it. However, in Hotel Dusk you were pretty much ALWAYS supposed to use it, but in Last Window there are times when you have to ignore it to keep from messing up. They'll give you a few harmless scenarios in the beginning to get you used to it.

The thing about Last Window is that it's easier to game over. More times than not, one little mess-up means you're DOOMED. So again, it's good to SAVE. A. LOT. Except in Hotel Dusk there were things from a way back when scenario that could really affect your future. In Last Window, it's not really like that anymore (which kind of disappointed me...). So in Hotel Dusk it'd be wise to use all three save files, but in Last Window you need like...just one. Just make sure you save before and after doing something important and you're good to go. And when I say "important", that includes talking to someone (you could mess up on a choice), doing something Hyde's not allowed to do (of course), and going into one of those epic confrontations (one little mess up = game over), stuff like that. As long as you didn't mess up as you did something, it's okay to save.

Another thing in Last Window is the fast forward feature. But you can only fast forward through text that you've already read. Which means if you gamed over and got to the same place again. But I never got to use that feature, cuz THERE'S NO WAY IN HELL I'M GOING TO GAME OVER AND CONTINUE. FUCKING RESTART! I don't like to soil my game record. =3= Even if it doesn't matter - and I have a feeling that it doesn't in Last Window... In Hotel Dusk it did matter because it'd affect your ending. ANYWAY, just train yourself to save. Then whenever you see that purple sheen go through a character you're talking to, you've messed up - RESTART. (Soft reset = L + R + Start + Select, if you didn't know the quicker way)

Like Hotel Dusk, Last Window is one of those "OMFG EVERYTHING'S RELATED IN AN EPIC WAY!" games. :D To the appreciative gamer, it's a very deep and suspenseful. As you proceed onto the thinner yet sharper ice, the plot thickens, and different plot devices and stories intertwine, bringing up some answers as well as numerous questions here and there until the biggest secret is unleashed in the end! Mystery rocks <3

Multiple people live in this apartment complex, though not as much as you'd imagine; but I don't blame 'em, the place is old and kinda crappy. There're a few secret stuff, like something you can get from the vending machine ('cept it's waaay easier than the last game to do so), but it's just for fun. It doesn't affect anything like in Hotel Dusk. You get a "Last Window Novel" whose chapters add as you progress in the game. I just waited until the end to read it though, which is better because the novel is pretty much whatever happened in the game minus a few minor details. You also get music to listen to as you read, 8-ball, and you can use the thing that you might've gotten from the vending machine. I don't know if it's there if you don't get the thing though... JUST GET IT - It's super easy. You also get a table of contents thing to use to jump to chosen chapters, or you can just start from the beginning again. :D

Also like Hotel Dusk, Last Window had a beautifully colorful cast that made the game more exciting and unbland. Everyone had their own distinct personality - almost no flat characters! You have a lovable Hyde, steely landlady, grumpy old man, laid-back bum, peppy gal, cheery teenager, her cool dad who's sadly very dad-like with her, an obnoxious but toughy guy, somewhat snobbish yet kind-hearted Frenchie, glum yet obnoxiously nosy dood, extremely troubled lady, chatty salesman who thinks he's so smart, and...well I think I gave you a good summary. I think a few of the characters in this game kind of reflect/symbolize the personalities of characters in the last game, but maybe that's just my imagination. *rainbow* Oh, and yes, everyone has a backstory and they're all (or most of them) connected. :D

Graphics & Sound
The graphics and sound were...well they were just like the last game. Same style and everything. I really like their chosen style too, it's unique and cool. Though there're actually some cutscene-like scenes, but more like moving pictures and words than actual animations. You get enough animation when the characters are talking. :P I mean, THEY'RE ALWAYS MOVING.

Sadly, there were no voiceovers. :( But it's all good, I have fun making up my own perfect voices in my head and playing them as they talk. :D

The only thing that really bugged me was how there was no way to speed up the text. When I've restarted and have to do like half the chapter over again (I didn't get into the habit of saving a lot...), I don't want to read everything again! When you're reading it the first time, though, it's all good. I actually like to imagine the person's voice and tone and stuff when I'm reading conversations.

Personal Generous Rating
Gameplay - 8.5
Plot - 10
Characters - 9
Graphics - 9
Sound - 9
Originality - 10

Overall - 9.5

I freaking LOVE this game! 8D

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