Monday, November 22, 2010

Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Sky Review (DS)

Yo, my non-angsty readers, Manga here. And today, I'll be giving you two-bit ninnys my thoughts on a JRPG with out an emo protagonist. But then again, the protagonist is YOU, so...

First off, I wanna say, the game's battle system is turn-based. Like the classics. Not these modern RPGs with button-smashing frustration and overly-long health bars. *drops Keyblade* Anyways, you create your own character from a limited customization feature. You can change the clothes, but not until about 3 hours or so in. Also, you can name your character, if you haven't played an RPG like this before. I named mine Manga, mainly because I had the urge to call him "Cloud" or maybe "Sephiroth" but I didn't have enough letters for the second option. Your character starts off as an angel in this...observatory. And there's this tree there, named Yggdrasil. (Medieval much?) Yggdrasil has fruit called Fyggs, which apparently have magical powers. The observatory is attacked by the powers of...wait for it...DARKNESS!? How'd you know!? But yeah, you get sent back to Earth and you have to find your way back. This leads you on a quest, and...wait for it...there's a PLOT TWIST!? (A predictable one at that.) It took me...about...25 hours to beat this game. Although at the last dungeon I said "fuck it" and popped in my Action Replay. When it comes to EXP Grinding in turn-based games, I have the attention span of a goldfish. The last boss battle was the usual three phase sequence. Gotta love Squenix. I was excited for this game, and played it through until HG/SS came out. It currently sits in a case, collecting dust. Oh and I forgot to mention, a Nintendo Representative has over 200 hours clocked in on this game...nerd. Also, if my reviews are short, it's because I have the attention span of a goldfish as stated earlier. A dead one. I suggest this game to gamers who want some nostalgia, and creativity. Speaking of creativity, you can make party members using the same method as you made your own. And you can do alchemy. Well, time to go get my soul stuck in a tin can and whine about it afterward. Manga out.


1 comment:

  1. HMMMM, I WONDER how a game can collect dust IN ITS CASE! :O
