Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney


Okay so seeing as no one else made a review for this (which shocks me greatly), I shall try to make this as long as I can! Haha kidding. Anyway, I know Tsuki here is the one reviewing DS games and thinking games alike, but hey, I love this game just as much as her!

So you think you have your typical "oh it's just a thinking game with just some dull lawyer cases." WRONG SIR! or madam! It's quite a fun game with a colorful (yeah I like this word so I'll be using it frequently) cast of main, primary and one shot characters. Along with the cases and trials you have to face using evidence, testimony and a sharp mind to piece together the puzzle pieces in order to find out the big picture in order to get a NOT GUILTY for you client. It may sound simple, and it quite is, but when you play this game, you'll probably find yourself reeled in instantly by the realistic conversations and the characters' personalities. Oh and the cases! Oh those cases that never bore me, even after I beat all of the games, I still get confused on what to do with most of the cases no matter what. Though I wait to play all of them until I completely forget on what I need to find.

Anyway, as I said before, this isn't a typical lawyer game. There's depth in it, but I believe that this was to be planned as a solo, one shot game, until the fanbase grew and it spawned out a sequel then a third, then a fourth and then a fifth game. I'm glad it spawned into a series of games waiting to take over the world--I mean teach people more about law :D It really did teach me a lot more about law than I realized especially in the last case where it was really pushed in.

So gameplay, it's one of those point and click games where you choose a line of dialogue and read the conversations between Phoenix and another character. There'll be a mixture of casual conversation and serious business so pay attention to both for your own sake and the sake of entertainment as well! It'd be boring if it were just "Blah blah testimony blah blah rumor" and that was the end of the game.

To the courts! BANG BANG! Crap I got caught! Oh wait that was just the gavel. Phew....


Wha! Okay it's court time, time be serious, there's no way anything is gonna slice through the tension filled room, nothing, NOTHING AT ALL! Well here comes the detective---wha wait... why is he being all clumsy? Ah! The witnesses aren't very professional either! W-Wait...their names are puns of stuff? Ah! J-Judge don't be persuaded! I thought this was supposed to be a professional place of business and justice! Why are these people like and cunning? I mean sure that's what witnesses and clients are like but....

Hahah yeah that's what I was thinking when I first played this game. There are times to be serious and this game is full of it, but it has the slice of comedy that holds this entire game together and shows us a heaping helping of back story and an insight of each character. Oh dear I'm rambling! Okay here in the court you gotta play it smart because you have a limit of getting only five things wrong. The exclamation marks show you that you only five chances to get it wrong or it's game over! You can't save yourself if you lose all five and you can't gain anything back until you survive one day in the court room (a case becomes three days long, the shortest is a day). So if you take out the wrong piece of evidence for the wrong statement then you're exclamation point is SHOT down. It's like a mini explosion on your DS screen. KABOOM!

Oh and you can't progress through the game until you completely find all of the evidence needed, talk to all the people needed, and go to all the places needed to be gone to. There's no side quests or anything so you won't get lost too easily or become unfocused through out your game play.

This game, this AMAZING game is just...well in one word (even the ability for me to do that is near to impossible) would be...oh screw the one word stuff! This has to be one of the best DS games I have ever bought! And I'm glad that I bought it, beat it and played the rest of it time and time again. It never bores me, it doesn't put me to sleep and hey it gave me an interest in law so it's beyond impressive to me!

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney gets a 9.0 out of 10!


  1. ...Are you SURE you love it as much as I do?! HUH?! HUHHH?!?!


  3. WE DISCUSSED THIS ON SKYPE ALREADY. We'll be mature about this and say we both love this game on our own levels :D

  4. THAT WAS HARDLY A DISCUSSION. I'll be immature about this and say I love this series more than you :D
