Saturday, January 8, 2011

OMFG A NEW REVIEW O_O "Uncharted 2"

......As I sat down to listen to a medley of Daft Punk and the "Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt" OST (don't judge me! D:) I recently obtained, I opened Google Chrome with an insane urge to open the history tab. as I randomly scrolled through I came across Blogger and remembered I had a freaking blog! O_O
unbelievable right? I have a horrid memory so shut up. and I had just beaten Uncharted 2 a few days earlier so I thought "TO HELL WITH IT!" and maxed out the volume in the middle of "Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger" with complete intent to be "nice" for once. so again I announce "TO HELL WITH IT!" and say "Uncharted 2 was beautiful"
....stop judging me you mircosoft faggots! I KEEL YU!
seriously, between a great single-player gameplay, compelling story and the occasional reference to Chloe's ass, I LOVED THE SHIT OUT OF IT. don't get me started on the multi-player, because everyone knows I how much I love cursing out 12 year olds on meth that speak only in spanish.
my mother would come into my room and ask me "why are you saying pencil sharpener over and over again in spanish?" while I was snapping the neck of some poor bastard with the Drake Skin enabled and I would reply with a witty line about female dogs needing to be broken in eventually. I can't count how many times I was called either a Cracker or a N*gger. I was called a hillbilly once, I promptly thanked How2die34 and blew his character's brains all the way to Shambhala. needless to say, he blocked me, to which I was quiet content with.
back on subject, I have not played "Uncharted: Drakes Fortune", but now I don't need to, because 2 was all I really needed. so thank you, my local Gamestop for having a "buy two get one free" sale, I really really needed it. ^-^
okay, now's the time I should be getting into the funny cursing bastard/fuck role and start with the name calling, but alas I am not high on Zero Punctuation and can't find anything wrong with this game.
...not a very lively review is it? oh well. now go outside, kiss a girl or lose that muffin belly before I'm forced to sic a pack of wild shambhalains on you to eat your testicles and/or buttocks.
me? I have a spare ass, so I'm safe.

1 comment:

  1. "but alas I am not high on Zero Punctuation and can't find anything wrong with this game."
    Well said, Oaxan, well said. XD
