Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice For All Review

HELLOOOOO, Tsuki here, and you should already be able to tell from my UNIQUE font and CONSTANT USE OF CAPS AND EMOTICONS! But anywayyyys, darn Ventus beat me to reviewing Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney… >_> So here I am for the second of five games in the Ace Attorney series! Just as a heads-up, read her review first if you haven’t already, cuz I’ll probably be talking about stuff that she already explained. AND, for all you will-be Ace Attorney fans, PLAY ALL OF THE GAMES INNNN ORRDEERRR! ORDER, ORDER! :D Because it matters.

Now, Justice For All has the same exciting, confusing, turn-your-brain-upside-down kinds of cases, so YAY! :D And of course you still have your…very interesting, amusing characters and such, some with pun names still, so MORE YAY! :D Aaaannnd, the same kind of humor, pretty much the same style with everything. EXCEPT, YOU GET A NEW EPIC LAWYER POWER IN THIS GAME! And, IT’S NOT IN COURT! You outside-of-courtly interrogate people during your investigations (it’s funny how defense attorneys actually aren’t allowed to investigate crime scenes) and you present evidence you’ve already gathered to reveal some secret information in somebody! WHOO! You have to have all of the right evidence though, so don’t waste your time if it’s not necessary. But you can quit after going into your epic interrogation, so if you want, you can go see what kind of things you have to prove so you know what to look out for when you’re investigating. OH, HOLD IT! There’s another thing that changed in this game; YOU HAVE A LIFE BAR! :O So when you do things wrong in court or during your Psyche-Lock breaking time, (There’s some light shed on it; and it’s called Psyche-Lock for a reason y’know :3) YOUR LIFE BAR GOES BOOM-EXPLODEY-MODEY AND HEALTH DISAPPEARS! It’s so heartbreaking and depressing to see it happen… ; -; AHEM, anyways, more important things take off more life if you mess up, so watch out! It’s always nice to save before and after you do something important~

ONLY THOSE WHO PLAYED THE FIRST GAME WILL UNDERSTAND THE NEXT 3 SENTENCES: Justice For All gives Maya more of a part with her spirit medium-ness, SO THAT’S FUN. There’s like a whole case for it! And it was pretty…whoa :O
So, I also want to mention that Justice For All has PW:AA characters reappearing! Yaaay! We all love our characters, right? :3

Unlike the first game, that had five cases (well, four and then a bonus case, WHICH VENTUS FORGOT TO MENTION THAT IT WAS AWESOME! I OBJECT TO THAT. OBJECTION!), this game only has four. D: But the last case makes up for it, CUZ IT WAS EPIC. LOVED. IT.

The music is also the same style of the first game’s. There are a couple remixes of the old lovable songs, too. :D And by the way, the music is not like, super quality and stuff. I mean, it’s not bad or anything but what I mean is it’s kind of a midi-like sound. Oh, and the Royal Payne (you’d havta play the first game to know~) still has his hilarious “OBJECTION!” XD The graphics, still like the first game’s, are pretty nice! With the characters being anime-looking and the scenery being more realistic (I said MORE realistic, not completely or anything, just pointing that out).

Ooooh, there was an interesting thing I noticed! The first and second games’ cases have these connections on their themes! LET ME EXPLAIN: So, in both games, the first case is an intro case. The second, you’re defending Maya. The third, you defend a celebrity. And the fourth is a boss case. :D I dunno if they did that on purpose, but that’s how it was! Sadly, this pattern doesn’t continue after the second game. (So maybe that means it was just a coincidence.) OH WELL, just a little something, MOVING ON…

By the way, some witnesses have dramatic breakdowns when you disprove them, AND THAT’S ALWAYS HILARIOUS. The second case of this game has a particular sort of creepy one… o_o

Umm, so this is a really good game! Play the first game, then play this one, THEN PLAY THE REST! (ORDER, ORDER!) >:D Ace Attorney is my first intellectual game series (and pretty much my first video game series) AND I LOVE IT. SML. But it doesn’t beat Hotel Dusk ;D JUST KIDDING, don’t make me choose between the two! So ANYWAYYYS, the rating I give Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Justice For All…is 9.4/10! TAKE THAT!

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