Saturday, November 20, 2010

Final Fantasy XII Review

Hello again, feckless maggots.
today I'm gonna review Final Fantasy XII (that's twelve to you brain dead halo cock suckers)
WAIT. don't close the browser yet, you racist pig, FFXII is a good game, but it was horribly underrated because it didn't have killable prostitutes like in GTA IV. what I mean to say is that FFXII is a beautiful semi-open world dungeon crawler with dozens of challenges, an outstanding battle system, NO RANDOM ENCOUNTERS, and a rabbit girl who looks likes she's always one step away from bouncing out of her... "shoes"
"HUZZAH" I screamed, when I first booted up the game, for the intro cinematic about gave me a nosebleed, why? because games with that kind of graphics make me horny, just saying. as I started the game and selected my options, yes I did leave the rumble on, I thought to myself "oh boy! I hope this is as good as FFX!" only to be sorely disappointed after beating the training level and finding the true main character killing rats in the sewer:
Ellen DeGeneres. at that moment I figured out why the box says "partial nudity", it was because Ellen's nipples are hanging out and staring at you like the eyes of Majoras Mask in "LoZ: Majoras Mask" throughout every second of the game. needless to say, I was no longer horny. after I cleaned up the man-nipple induced puke, I got back to playing. next I explored the town, with excellent design and texturing, I thought it would make up for the previous event and still might be a pretty damn good game, I was right. after proceeding farther into the game, I stumbled into the Viara village, I'll the rest up to your imagination. as I blazed through the incredible amount of filler between the story plot, I was STILL Impressed by the graphics, battle system and the bouncing bunny whom I had leading my party at all times. I have to say that this is my second favorite PS2 game of all time, the first being Final Fantasy X. with an outstanding and huge world, well designed characters, thrilling battle system, excellent plot line and plenty of places to grind in between boss fights. I have to give this game a solid:  9.0 out of 10
I recommend this game to anybody who loves final fantasy, enjoys looking at fran's "shoes", and loves a really long game that gives you lots of time between cut-scenes to have fun. and by fun I mean endless grinding, stopping to look at fran's "shoes" and training your pet monkey to sing "In the end" by linkin park while making blueberry waffles as you spend your pathetic virgin life sitting in front of a TV wishing you had a girlfriend as sexy as Fran. now this isn't a very long review, so I guess I'll just have to add some "your momma" jokes next time. Live long and prosper, you two-faced gorilla twats, peace out.

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